AI Headshot generator authentic and professional

Your professional AI headshot generator
in studio quality

✔ 100+ Styles
✔ Swiss Made
✔ Happiness guarantee*
*Free redo if unsatisfied.

🔒 All your Images are deleted after 1 month

AI Headshots

Before and after examples

before woman 512x512After woman
before and after examples (3)before and after examples

Here’s how it works

Trusted by professionals

from top tier companies

Thank you for the great photos) I am delighted with the work of the AI system and your team. I have already posted several photos on my social network and provided a link to your resource. 😍

The photos are frighteningly good.


I was allowed to test the new service and really loved my headshots! Keep up the good work!

How do we compare?

Criteria Profile Bakery Real Photographer Competitor 1 Competitor 2
Registration needed No No Yes Yes
Price from $24 from $100 from $29 from $21
Time to result 2-3 hours 48 hours 2-3 hours 2-3 hours
Multiple backgrounds to choose from optional optional x
Customizable as desired Yes optional
Packages according to need Yes Yes x
8 years experience in studio photography Yes some

In depth comparison with: Tryiton AI and Headshotpro

a good variety off styles with every package

🗸 grey suit
🗸 white shirt
🗸 blue suit

🗸 black suit with tie
🗸 blue suit with tie
🗸 grey suit with tie

As seen on

AI Headshot before

Send your selfies and get professional AI Headshots in a few hours

Your New Professional Images


What other people are asking

How does an AI Headshot Generator works?

Our AI Headshot Generator transforms your photos into professional headshots using advanced machine learning. First, you upload a few images of yourself. The AI detects your facial features and aligns them for optimal composition. It then enhances image quality, adjusting lighting, sharpness, and skin tone. You can choose from different styles, such as corporate, casual, or creative. The AI applies subtle retouching while preserving your natural look. Backgrounds can be removed or replaced with professional settings. The final image is high-resolution and ready for use on LinkedIn, resumes, or social profiles. The entire process is automated and takes just minutes. No studio visit or professional photographer is required.

How are female and male AI headshots customized?

The customization process takes gender-specific preferences into account, starting with tailored training of the AI model. For male headshots, options typically include professional attire such as a tailored suit and tie or casual options like a button-up shirt. For female headshots, the AI can create styles featuring a blazer or elegant blouse. The result ensures the headshot aligns with the desired professional or casual aesthetic for each individual.

How to get AI to make me a business photo?

It’s simple, follow these steps and our AI business photo generator will create your photos.

  1. Upload your photos on Profile Bakery
  2. Choose your style(s).
  3. Let our AI do the work.
  4. Get your headshots in your mail.
Which is the most realistic AI headshot generator?

Accordingly to Steve Hook Profile Bakery is among the most realistic ones. In his blog he says: “Profile Bakery excels in terms of personal resemblance, producing some of the most impressively accurate AI headshots I’ve ever seen. I was so impressed that my reaction was audible; Some of these could fool friends and family, let alone a stranger.” Source: PCGUide, 13 March 2024

What is the output quality and format of the images?

Our aim is to provide AI-generated headshots of studio quality, for professional uses like job applications, LinkedIn profiles, and company websites. But the quality depends on the photos you submit. We guide you in uploading these images to ensure the best results.

The completed portraits are available for download as JPEG files in a Google Drive folder.

Is there an app for professional headshots?

Yes, there is an app. Profile Bakery is usable as App and Online.

Is there a free AI business headshot generator?

There are certain tools available online claiming to be free. However, it’s not uncommon for such tools to have hidden costs – for instance, they may allow you to create a headshot for free initially, but then require payment to download the final image without a watermark. If you are interested in all options, we created a blog about generators, with a lot of free options and as well with paid options in there.

To get a great quality, we recommend using a transparent product, with a good portfolio and before and after examples.

Are AI generated Headshots suitable for professional use?

Yes, the results are suitable for professional use cases, like CV photos, job applications, LinkedIn and corporate websites.

The high-quality photos, which are generated, are a great choice for improving your professional look.

How do I make an AI headshot for LinkedIn?

It’s easy, just go to and upload some pictures of you. And you will get your AI image generator headshots in no time.

Classic vs. AI Headshots

Criteria AI headshots classic headshots
Price from 24 60
Included: Cover Letter, Cancellation, Basic CV Template x
Different backgrounds x with surcharge
Convenient to use from home x
AI Cover Letter Tool optional
Background change optional

Profile Bakery in Comparison

Criteria Profile Bakery Tryiton AI Headshotpro
Pricing $24  $21 $29
Photos Required 6 – 15 10 – 20 20
Turnaround Time 1 – 2 hours 24 – 72 hours 2 hours
Satisfaction Guarantee Available (Second run if not satisfied)
Experience with Studio Photography Many years of experience
Additional Services Background change and more

Disclaimer: Comparison Date, 01 June 2023. Please write us, if you see that something changed.

If you would like to read more about the comparison between the different providers, follow these links:
Comparison Tryiton AI
Comparison Headshotpro

About our Service

Before AI generation —manAfter AI generation — man

Our AI headshot generator

Our service uses artificial intelligence to create stunning headshots from your vacation and other photos you upload. Uploading your images is simple and straightforward. To support the performance of the AI, we ask you to provide some additional details. After the upload, you will receive an immediate confirmation of and our AI will start to work.

Our main focus is to generate authentic and realistic pictures. We put great emphasis on achieving the best possible quality.

Use Cases

Before AI generation — womanAfter AI generation — woman

LinkedIn and other networks

AI-generated headshots can be a valuable tool for LinkedIn users, particularly for those who may not have access to professional photography services or those who need a high-quality photo quickly.

Some advantages of the AI generated headshots:

  1. Better First Impressions

  2. Stand Out from the Crowd

  3. Enhances Trustworthiness

Other social medias like Tinder

AI-generated headshots can be a valuable tool for personal use on social media platforms and dating apps like Tinder.

Advantages when you use them:

  1. Better First Impressions

  2. Stand Out

  3. Showcases your personality

Before AI image generationAfter AI image generation
Before AI useAfter AI use

Create them for your Team

Give your team’s profiles a professional edge with AI-generated headshots. Highlight the individual expertise and essence of your team members while reinforcing your brand’s image. Profile Bakery’s advanced algorithms accurately analyze facial features, ensuring a consistent and polished appearance in every picture. By using our AI headshot generator for your team’s profile photos, you can strengthen your company’s online presence.

Everything around AI Headshots and Generators

Star Rating

4.8 from 5
Externally conducted survey on our
photographs among 213 people